
The Unconventional Qualities of Bad

I went walking with a friend today. Delightful. Thin winter air, the yellow sun, and a warm breeze blowing from the west; the combination of blue sky and white snow made for a truly blessed setting. He said:
-I would like to take up quilting. Making quilts – that seems like a wholesome activity, a wonderful way to past the time. I think I would enjoy that.
I replied:
-Perhaps you would also enjoy inserting a man’s penis into your ass. That seems like an activity you would like as well, as it is only slightly less gay than your last statement.
My response is not what a good person would say. I am not a good person. Good people do not say to other good people that they should insert objects into their anus. Good people smile and agree and pretend to care. A good person would have said:
-You are right. Quilting is a fine and productive hobby. I would suggest you make a quilt for your children as a keepsake of the love their obviously heterosexual father has for them.
That would have been good. That is what a good person would have said. But I am a bad person. That is why I said something bad. If I were a good person, I would have said something good. If I were a regular person – a person who says both good things and bad things, or who say good things while thinking bad things, or who say bad things only when good people are not in the room – I would have said something good even if I wanted to say something bad. But, as clearly intoned, I am a bad person. So I say bad things
I could have said something worse. That is why I am bad. If I said something worse, I would be evil. I am only bad. I am remorseful. I demonstrate empathy.  I remeber and reconsider what has been said and remonstrate myself for not saying something good. I think to myself 'that this is not a good thing to say'. That is why I am not evil. Evil people say the worst kinds of things.  I am not evil. I am only bad.

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